“I think women, and Christian women in particular, have been denied the tools to imagine and craft a life not centered on marriage and family as the pinnacle of fulfillment.”

Well said. “Denied” is doing a lot of great work in this sentence - as you articulate in the linked post.

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I think this is a particular cultural issue in the Protestant English-speaking world. Things are very different elsewhere.

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I like it all a lot but especially like the single motherhood sentence :)

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Aw, thank you, Lore :)

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Right? What a cool option. It never occurred to me to do this.

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Excellent list! I'm about to turn 44 and there are several things on here that I find myself nodding along with.

Also, congratulations on your decision to pursue motherhood. It's not the culmination of womanhood, but it is a very good thing. May you be blessed!

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A book I didn’t fully understand but I’m glad I read: Edwin Friedman’s A Failure of Nerve.

Also, hard no to those awful shorts, and double hard no to the men’s shoes. (But I DO appreciate the photo tutorial because some people just need it spelled out.) Excited to see what’s next for you, and for your next part in the series. Happy Birthday!

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How fun (and so like you!) that we are the ones who get a gift on your birthday. Grateful to have access to your wisdom and experiences- here's to the next 4/8ths or 5/9ths.

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This is gold! Happy birthday and thanks for sharing your pearls of wisdom! :) The take on men's shoe choices made me laugh and... yes.

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First of all, many cheers to 40!! 🥳 This list is fantastic, and I’m excited for part 2 to go live! Thanks for sharing with us. I especially liked 1, 7, 13, 16, 18, and 20. THOSE SHOES… 😂

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Great list, like some modern proverbs, a lot of wisdom here. There are some books where I'm just hoping I understand 70% 🙂

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Outstanding!!! I despise sermons on dating, relationships, and marriage. My advice- as a single get to know married friends of all ages and learn from them!

What you want to be at 50 or 60, or not!

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From my perspective at 54, I'll say this is a solid list so far. You go, girl. You're well on your way, and you're being smart about it. 💜

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I too had to admit to myself that I didn't like Iron & Wine. It was freeing!

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"Living a life you don't need rescuing from" is a great subtitle of a book that I hope is coming next ;) It's such a contrast to "Lady in Waiting"---I'm not sure if you were ever subjected to that gem of a book, but it makes me realize we were ACTUALLY taught we were the beauty that needed to be rescued...no wonder this messed us up. Happy birthday!

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Great advice here, Katelyn! I agree with you about fashion—wearing what feels good on your body and spending more on high quality items. I admit I’m still an Old Navy shopper for those fast fashion trends. 😬 Also, love the one about listening to your body when you’re on a date and making sure you feel safe.

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This is an excellent, thoughtful post. Thanks for sharing it, and good luck to you as you take your next steps.

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This is a great list, and Happy Birthday!

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For the “successful Christian woman as single mother” perspective, you might want to get to know Wendy Clark in Durham NC. She’s a remarkable entrepreneur (one of those “30 under 30” types back in the day), nurturer of startups, and single mom to two great kids.

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